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Prayers for the Week of May 30, 2021

Please feel free to join us in the prayers prayed in worship Sunday, May 30, 2021:

Loving Creator,

Healing Christ,

Empowering Spirit,

you have made us in the image of you,

to live life abundantly

in relationships of love, and justice, and mutuality.

You have created us for life lived in community,

with you,

with each other,

with all creation.

We praise you and give you thanks.

We pray in hope for continued healing

and for an end to pandemic.

We pray for wisdom and compassion

to see and shape a way forward

into the future you are preparing

for us and for the whole world.

We pray especially for those areas of the world

that have not had the resources to afford

and implement vaccines –

for their deep suffering.

Give nations like ours the heart and courage

to share what we have, out of our wealth,

as others have need.

We pray for all who are ailing,

in body or in Spirit,

for your healing presence and touch.

We pray for all who mourn,

for comfort and peace.

We pray for those who are unhoused or hungry,

help us see and live into our responsibility

to help provide shelter and food.

Help us see and do the work that must be done

to re-create a world so that everyone has enough,

so that every child can live and thrive.

Show us the work that is ours to do

to help dismantle systems of racism,

to tear down and defund systems that oppress,

to imagine and create community

that honors and protects the dignity of each person.

Show us ways of living that do better by your Earth.

Stop our destructive patterns of living

that have ravaged this planet

to the point of climate crisis.

Help us find healing, sustaining ways,

that renew, nurture, and sustain,

the wholeness of your creation.

On this Memorial Day weekend, we give thanks

for all who have served sacrificially,

for those who have given their life

in service of country and community.

We pray for their families,

for those who served alongside them,

as they remember their lives,

and as we join them in giving thanks.

We give you thanks for life in community,

for the gift of each other,

for creating us this way,

so that we need other,

so that we have the capacity to love each other,

so that, together, we have power to build, with you,

a better world.

In the embrace of community

that transcends time and space,

we join our voices with those around the world,

with those who have gone before,

and with those yet to come,

praying the pray that Jesus taught, saying:

Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

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