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Prayers for the Week of March 14, 2021

Please feel free to join us in the prayers prayed in worship this Sunday, March 14, 2021:

God of many names,

Creator, Sovereign, Comforter,

Wisdom, Word, Presence,

Almighty God, El Shaddai,

Fount of Every Blessing,

Alpha & Omega,

Mercy, Help, Mighty One,

Mother, Father, Parent, Jesus,

Savior, Sustainer, Friend,

God, whose name is beyond our knowing,

and ever on our lips,

we give you thanks and praise.

As we gather in your presence,

one year into pandemic,

we mourn with you the lives lost,

the hurt and suffering of this year.

Comfort the families who grieve,

comfort us,

help us be comfort

to each other and to the world.

We give you thanks for your presence with us –

over this past year and always.

We thank you for your presence

in the healing, work of nurses and doctors

health officials, hospital technicians and cleaning crews,

all those who have steadfastly brought tender care

at significant personal risk and cost,

in times of dire need.

Bless them, continue to gird them with your strength.

We are so grateful to them and to you.

Give us steady, disciplined spirits,

that as a nation we might continue

to do better than we have done

to join together in collective action,

to persist in practices that keep each other safe

so that we can make our way

to a day and a life

beyond pandemic.

We pray for your help,

and your convicting, encouraging Spirit

to face the troubles

that have long plagued our nation and our world –

for an end to systemic racism,

for hearts open to see our complicity,

and to stop, to dismantle, to repair;

for your help in climate emergency,

for hearts open to see the harm that we have done,

and to change – radically change –

to turn toward sustainable ways of living

that repair this world we love with you.

We pray shelter for those who are unhoused,

food for those who hunger,

companionship for those who are lonely,

healing for our every hurt.

We trust these cares and concerns to you,

binding up our prayers,

with the prayers of all who call on your name,

praying the prayer that Jesus taught:

Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

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