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Writer's pictureScott Clark

Prayers for the Week of February 24

We invite you to join us in prayer this week, with the community prayers lifted up in worship on Sunday, February 23, which are patterned after Anne Lamott's three prayers -- Help, Thanks, Wow (from her book of the same name):

God of Wonder,

God who spun the planets, and created universes,

God who inhabits molecules, and atoms, and quarks,

God whose life suffuses and sustains all that is,

we stand in wonder,

and with a Holy Wow,

we give you praise.

We also give you thanks.

Thank you for the gift of life,

for the gift of family, and friendship, and community,

for all the ways that we live life together

with each other and with you.

Thank you for accompanying us in every moment,

in the ups and in the downs,

and in all the daily life in between.

Thank you for all the ways that you are at work in the world for justice,

for the times that you challenge us and give us work to do,

for all the ways that you set us free.

Thank you for this world –

for the sky, and sun, moon,

for fresh air, and water that refreshes the earth,

for the deep ecology that connects us all.

Aware of your presence in all things, we ask your help.

For this world we love,

give us boldness to engage climate emergency,

a crisis of our own making;

give us willing hearts to participate in your healing of the world.

Help us see the needs of the world and respond,

with food for those who hunger,

shelter for those living outside,

abundance for the poor,

freedom for the captive,

healing for those who hurt in body or in spirit,

and comfort for those who grieve and mourn.

Help us to be dazzlingly human,

embodying your presence and your love,

in our tender touch.

In deep connection with all your creation,

we join our voices with all who have called your name, in every time and place,

joining in the prayer that Jesus taught:

Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

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