By Joy Snyder
Father/Mother, Earth and Sky
I can see with my own eyes…
You … daily, reaching out to me
and trying hard to make me see
your love, enfolding me with air.
Yes, I can feel you, I know you’re there.
Father/Mother, Sunshine/Moon
reaching out, dispelling gloom.
Daily reinforcing hope,
trying to reverse the slope …
that downward slide towards sadness,
the aftertaste of badness, madness.
Father/Mother, Source of Life
help me. Melt away the ice
that can surround my beating heart
when I’m not looking … when apart.
Cut off from you and stuck indoors
too long, forgetting how to soar.
My spirit hungers for your peace.
Replenish me, or I may cease
to live … without the sight of you.
I sometimes feel you are the glue
that holds together fragile souls
like mine, so fearful, without goals.
No fear of falling off the ground!
Why am I scared … scared to be found?
I ask myself while in my cave
of sorts … why can’t I be more brave?
Morning Sunlight/Evening Stars
Sending me such kind regards!
Out in the open, I look around
And everywhere, your love abounds!
I tell myself to be prepared.
To be prepared to be repaired
that is. A Band-Aid for each hole in me,
applied by nature if I’ll just be
more willing. Why would I resist
when nature offers me its kiss
of life, of breath, of sanity …
a feeling of humanity?
I only need to step outside
to access life, I know … I’ve tried.
I’ve been there. Yet indoors I stay.
It’s love and fear that fills my day …
until, outside again … my chest swells
gasping in the earth and sky that dwells
Blue above me/Green below.
Sometimes clouds or wind will blow
out there. I wonder why I leave
The blue skies/green grass … life they weave!
But I return to my shadowy cave. Sigh.
Indoors where there’s just me I cry.
Knowing that the source of life
is cut off from me, like a knife
has severed me from heart and soul.
Sometimes I feel there’s no control
while I stay inside … where I’m not safe …
cut off from nature and it’s embrace.
Father/Mother, Earth and Sky
I will join you when I die.