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Prayers for the Week of February 19, 2023

Writer's picture: Scott ClarkScott Clark

Please feel free to join us in the prayers prayed in worship this Sunday, February 19, 2023:

Loving, holy, awesome God,

you created everything that is,

the big, the small,

the stars, the sun, universes, and galaxies,

oceans, lakes, and streams,

the firm and fallow earth,

fish that swim, birds that fly,

every creature that crawls and walks,

and us,

you created us to inhabit this world,

with all your creation,

to enjoy life in all its fullness,

life with each other, life with you.

In awe of the vastness of you,

and of your love for all creation,

we give you thanks and praise.

In your love, power, and tender mercy,

help us live lives that “give your goodness speech.”

We pray your healing, comfort, and help

for the suffering in the world,

particularly for the people of Turkey and Syria,

grieving even as they begin to rebuild their lives

out of the trauma and rubble of earthquake.

May assistance be swift and sure,

help us see ways we can help even from a distance.

And for the people of Ukraine, we pray for peace.

We pray for the needs of the world we see close at hand,

for all who are unhoused, we pray for shelter,

for those who are hungry, food enough and more,

for those who are lonely, companionship,

for those who are ailing in body or in spirit, healing,

for those who mourn, comfort.

Help us live lives of love, courage, and strength,

that bring to life

your healing, justice and peace.

Even as we stand in awe of your creation,

we pray healing for the damage we have done to your world,

transform us from wasting ways of living in your world,

to sustainable living that heals and mends

this world we have brought to the verge of collapse.

We pray for the healing and reform of the systems we inhabit,

and for an end to systems that harm and hurt.

We pray for the dismantling of systemic American racism,

for clear vision to see our complicity, for courage to stop,

and for the courage and will to rebuild a world

where everyone can live and thrive.

In the turmoil and welter of life,

we lean into your abiding presence

with us across time and space, in every moment of our lives,

your love for us in Jesus Christ,

Christ’s own spirit enlivening us in this very moment.

In the expanse of your timeless love,

we join our voices with the voices of everyone who has ever called your name,

praying the prayer that Jesus taught:

Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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