Please feel free to join us in the prayers we prayed in worship Sunday, May 9, 2021:
Mothering God,
you have birthed us and all creation
in love.
You’ve made that love manifest in Jesus Christ,
your Word made flesh.
And you’ve created us to live that love,
to love one another,
to love your whole world.
You are love.
We abide in you,
and you in us.
We praise you and give you thanks for loving us first,
and for completing your love in us,
all of us together.
We give you thanks this day
for mothering and for mothers
We pray for mothers,
and all the ways our lives
have the potential to reflect
your good and gracious, mothering love.
We pray for mothers and for all parents,
for all who care for children,
in these difficult days of pandemic,
for those who struggle to make ends meet;
for those who work so hard to balance
work and family and the whole of life;
for those who do all this love-work
within unjust structures and systems
that make life that much harder;
for those who mourn
children and mothers and loved ones
who have died.
We give you thanks and
pray for all the ways that our lives
might embody your mothering love,
in tender mercy;
in loving honesty;
in challenge and correction;
in fierce determination for a world
where all your children live free;
in the grace to be and become
all that you have created us to be.
We pray this day for all who are hungry,
that you might help us create a world
where everyone has enough.
We pray shelter for those who are unhoused.
For those who are lonely, companioning.
For those who grieve, comfort.
For those who are ailing,
your healing touch.
Help us to see the ways that we might
more fully and completely abide in you.
Soften us and strengthen us,
that we might learn how better
to love one another
with compassion, mercy, and justice.
Abiding in your love,
with each other and the whole world,
we join our voices,
with the voices of all who have ever called your name,
praying the prayer that Jesus taught:
Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.