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Prayers for the Week of January 14, 2024

Please feel free to join us in the prayers prayed in worship Sunday, January 14, 2024:

Loving God,

you created us and all creation

for life in Beloved Community –

you created us to live lives

that reflect and embody mutuality and respect,

and that seek the thriving and dignity

of every person.


Over the generations,

as we have struggled and contended with life,

as we have done violence again and again

to each other and your creation,

you have continued to accompany your creation,

with your steadfast love,

leading us always to

your justice, healing, and peace.

May we live more fully into

your constant intention for good.


We pray for the hurts of the world –

and for the harm that comes from the violence we do.

We pray for an end to the violence

embedded and animated

in American systems of racism and in our culture of violence.

Heal us and help us change.

Help us hunger and thirst for systems

that embody justice and peace.

Help us engage the work that is ours to do

with humility, taking our lead from those who have been harmed the most.

We pray rest for the weary who have labored so long.


We pray for peace in Israel/Palestine, in Gaza

for an end to senseless, wanton killing,

for a return of hostages, for a cease-fire,

for an end to systems of apartheid.

It’s so hard to see how this might be possible, but

we pray for a lasting and meaningful peace,

a peace that embodies justice for all people.


We pray for the health and well-being of your good creation,

for healing for the harm that we have done,

as climate crisis progresses and the world unravels.

Help us live bravely, relinquishing ways of harm,

embracing ways that lead toward sustainable life

We pray healing for every hurt.

For those who are hungry, food enough and more.

For those who are unhoused, safe shelter and a home.

For those who grieve, comfort.

For those who are lonely, the companionship of kindred spirits.


In beloved community with all creation,

we give thanks for the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,

and for the voice of prophets.

We lift our voices with the voices of all who have ever called on you,

praying the prayer that Jesus taught, saying:


Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.




 Photo credit: Christian Grab, used with permission via Unsplash



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