Please feel free to join us in the prayers prayed in worship Sunday, February 13, 2022:
Healing Christ,
you have entered into this world,
to save us from all that does us harm.
We live and move and have our being
in this world so full of beauty,
the promise of springtime on a winter’s day,
the warmth of sunshine,
a refreshing rain;
in the company of creation
in bird song,
and sunrise,
and waves that lap onto the shore;
in the gift of human companionship.
In your love and grace,
call our attention to the ways
that we tread this Earth
leaving damage in our path.
Wake us to the Woe we set loose
in your good world.
We pray Blessing and healing
for all who hurt.
For those who are hungry,
a sustained supply of food.
For those who are unhoused,
For those who are ailing in body or spirit,
For those who are lonely,
We pray for an end to destructive systems of oppression,
particularly systemic American racism,
for eyes to see clearly our part in the harm,
to stop, to dismantle, and to build with you
a world where everyone lives free.
We pray for peace
and for an end to warring madness –
peace particularly today in The Ukraine.
We pray for an end to our trashing of this planet,
for an end to unbridled consumption,
for the discipline of sustainable ways,
for the healing of the world.
Bring us into a level place,
where we can see each other face to face,
and together there,
breathe in the deep need of the world,
that, with you,
we might breathe out blessing,
and repent and change,
and inhabit together your new creation,
in mutuality and love.
Joining our voices,
with the voices of all who have ever called your name,
we pray the prayer you taught your disciples to pray, saying:
Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Photo: Scott Clark