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Writer's pictureScott Clark

Prayers for the Week of April 17, 2022

Please feel free to join us the prayers prayed Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022:

Loving Christ,

we praise you and give you thanks

for the gift of Resurrection,

the gift of life.

In your great love,

you have entered into the whole of human experience,

even unto death,

and you bring us always

again and again

into life.

We give you thanks

for the gift of expansive life,

and for a future to live from –

in love,

with you and all creation.

You have entered into the whole of our experience,

and so you know what it is to be human,

what it is to ache and to need,

and so we bring you the concerns of our hearts,

trusting in your liberating, healing, saving love.

In a world of war, we pray for peace –

peace in Ukraine, peace for all the peoples of the world

In a world of oppression and violence,

we pray for justice

and the dismantling of every system that does harm,

particularly the violence of American systemic racism.

For a world in climate catastrophe,

we pray for your re-creating power,

heal your creation – heal us –

that we might find ways to live life

that support and tend your good creation.

For all who are ailing, in body or spirit,

we pray for healing.

For those who hunger, food enough and more.

For those who are unhoused, shelter.

For those who are lonely, companionship.

For those who mourn, comfort.

In the deep need of the world,

help us to see and do what we can,

to embody your love and tender mercy,

living into the power and promise

of Resurrection life.

With all those who celebrate Resurrection this morning,

with all the saints in every time and place,

with all creation,

we join our voices together with theirs,

praying the prayer you taught, saying:

Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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