Flowers have been an integral part of our worship services. Their beauty impacts our visual senses, and complements the music, and spoken word. Now that we are returning to services in the Sanctuary, Flower Guild members are, once again, buying and arranging flowers.
After the service, the flowers are arranged into vases, and with the help of the Flower Delivering Deacon, are taken to members of our church family who may be ill, mourning a loss or celebrating. The colorful creations are appreciated by those at church and at home.
Individuals in the church, give donations to have flowers bought and arranged in memory of someone, in thanksgiving, in appreciation…If you would like to contribute to the Flower Guild and request flowers, please fill in a Flower Request Form, put it and a check for $60 in an envelope, and place in the offering basket or send it to the Church Office, attention Maureen Kalbus. She will contact you to confirm and discuss preferences in flowers and colors.
The Flower Guild’s Calendar, Flower Donation Forms and envelopes are in a basket in the Narthex (church lobby).
If you enjoy working with flowers and like to create arrangements, please consider sharing your talents by becoming a member of the Flower Guild. Please contact Maureen Kalbus for more information, if interested in being involved.
Your contribution will be greatly appreciated by many.