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Writer's pictureJoanna Magee

Update on MOC efforts

Updated: May 15, 2020

By Barbara Rothkrug, Church & Society

On May 5, MOC/IAF (Marin Organizing Committee and other California organizations related to the Industrial Areas Foundation) held a state wide action with seven legislators and numerous faith community leaders. 905 people participated on zoom and another 100 joined via Facebook live including about ten members of FPCSA.

We asked the legislators to work on a bill that would enable undocumented taxpayers to obtain the earned income tax credit, just like the rest of of us. This is a justice issue. Undocumented workers provide essential services and can’t expect fair rewards in a crisis.

Undocumented people (20% of whom are Asian-pacific islanders) told stories of their inability to pay for rent or food. Leaders emphasized over and over that these contributing members of our society pay taxes like every one else but can’t reap the benefits of their work from the state or federal government.

On Tuesday May 11, 2020, MOC held a follow up community meeting to plan our next moves after our statewide action supporting undocumented immigrants in their quest for food and shelter. At immediate issue is getting support for AB 1593, a bill which would allow undocumented workers to receive cash benefits from the Earned Income Tax Credit. The EITC is a credit for low-income workers modeled on the Federal version. It has passed the assembly, but is stuck in the finance committee which is chaired by our Marin Senator Mike McGuire. We are not sure where Senator McGuire stands on AB1593 and the plan is to get him to meet with us.

If we don’t get this bill passed in this legislative session, it will die until the next one. Key to passing the bill is using our people power and voices to influence Senator McGuire. An action is planned in the next three weeks. We will keep you updated.

Another issue key to supporting undocumented residents is renter protection, currently being worked on by MOC, and Marin Legal Aid and other member partners like the Canal Alliance.

For more information contact Barbara Rothkrug, Emily Brower Auchard, or Peter Anderson

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