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Holy Week and Easter

Maundy Thursday Communion Service
March 28, 6:00 pm

On Maundy Thursday, we celebrate communion together, remembering the Last Supper. “Maundy” comes from the Latin meaning “command” – we remember and live into Jesus’ command to love one another. Our worship includes music from the Taizé tradition, scripture, and communion.  All are welcome to share in communion.


Good Friday 
March 29
12:00 to 3:00 pm
Sanctuary is open for prayer.
7:00 pm Tenebrae Worship Services

In our Good Friday worship, we remember Jesus’ journey to the cross – in music, scripture, and silence – including a “tenebrae” experience as light fades into darkness. The word “tenebrae” literally means “darkness” or “shadows.” The tenebrae service dates back to a 4th century Holy Week observance in which the lights in the church are extinguished one by one as the service proceeds. In this dramatic worship experience, the mental, spiritual, and physical anguish of Jesus are proclaimed as he moved toward his death. The scripture readings begin with the Last Supper and follow Jesus through the Garden of Gethsemane to his arrest, trial, and death on the cross. The service ends in darkness, with enough light for worshipers to leave in silence.


Easter Sunday
March 31, 10:00 am

On Easter, we celebrate the Resurrection life we have in Jesus Christ! Our Easter Celebration includes special music, culminating with an invitation to all singers to join the choir in singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus during worship.  Sheet music will be provided.  Following the service, all children are invited to an Easter Egg hunt in Landon Court (lower courtyard).



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